It's time to shine your light!
Become your most radiant self and be happy – highly recommended 4 days seminar.
The Path into Light is a deeply transformative and enlightening seminar which offers you the opportunity for big changes in your energy level in a very short time, which will affect your life long after the seminar has ended.
It is one of the most powerful seminars of our time: you can leave behind your burdens, immerse yourself in the Golden Age with all of your being and learn how to live on a high energy level based on unconditional love – beginning with self love.
You will feel reborn through the liberation from old structures and roles. By knowing and following your OWN path, you will become a radiant light in the world.
The strong and loving Guidance of the 8 seminar helpers will support you even in the most difficult moments to stay on your path. Happiness and bliss will become your true nature, Peace and Love will be your source. If you feel the call in your heart, you are very welcome to join this seminar!
Come and dare to be Yourself!
You will encounter your personal energetic blockages and dissolve them, so that you can become freer and happier. You will reconnect with the light that You experienced in you past lives. You will come into contact with the 8 Seminar Guides.
Different levels of light will become available to you. You will practice applying them to your everyday life.
You will become more aware of your light essence. The encounters with the 8 Seminar Guides will become more intense. You will realise your responsibilities for yourself and for the world. You will begin to experience your union with all of creation. At the end of the seminar, you will have the opportunity to receive additional guidance about your individual purpose and direction in life.
COME and JOIN into this intense four-day journey to find out WHO you REALLY are.
DEVOTE yourself to YOURSELF.
Take the CHANCE to cleanse and strengthen your ENERGY.
Find YOUR path! Walk DEEPER on it! BELIEVE in yourself!
Experience deeply your energy centers (chakras) and how to use them in daily life.
It`s time to take back your power and to show yourself to the world!
Love yourself. Live unconditional love. Learn to use it as healing energy.
Recognize, that you will be never alone again – the spiritual guides are always with you.
Are you interested in the deeper reason why you are in this life?
Learn your life Task!
Come and you will see!
Day 1
Purification and increase of perception
Unconditional love energy - for yourself and others
Chakras - from passive perception to active application
The 8 SpiritualHelpers are always with you
Day 2
Chakra-Special: Communication and Materialization
Peace for you and the world
Deep transformation on all levels
Day 3
Reading in the Akashic Chronicle
Use your newly awakened power to transform shadow into light
Day 4
Act as an expression of truthfulness
Experience yourself as a being of light
Update 2019: Release chains of failure and create chains of success and learn to release foreign energies from your energy system
Your life task
Date 2021 online zoom: 06/07 and 20/21 November 9 - 17 clock (German time zone)
Energy compensation: 3600 Euro (repeater: 1200 Euro)
Registration: info@salica-saltvision.com
* The Path into the Light was founded by Agni Eickermann
I understood many things about myself in this seminar. Through more and more self – knowledge YOUR path opens – the reason why you came to earth. Everything else will bring problems in your life. - Mary
For every one of us, there is an own path into light. Our duty is to find it, to walk it and to help others to find theirs. A seminar only for thus who love life. - Nanar
The Path Into light is a revolutionary act of pure Love - Alinea